The internet is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Where once I would have spend my hard earned government scroungings on actual, paper, environmentally unfriendly comic books I know get to indulge my short attention spanned desire for stories for free. Ain't that grand?
As well as being grand for those of us who have to subsist on £120 a week (hmmmm, so minus rent that would be £50 then) it's also grand for very talented people in similar financial situations and want to get themselves known. Yes, the internet is a wonderful thing.
We'll overlook the fact that, despite my abject poverty, I was at the much underrated Thought Bubble Comic Book Convention in Leeds on Saturday and did trade hard currency for paper, environmentally unfriendly copies of said comics. They're wonderful and worth every penny by the way.
So, for your delectation, I present to you the best of the absolute best of web comics. Enjoy!
1. Bunny

Ooooo! Look! Pictures! I have no idea how well this is going to work, and I think the sizes of the images are going to vary greatly, but at least I'm trying to make things a little bit interesting for you.
Anyway, Bunny. I actually discovered Bunny on Saturday (paid hard currency for the book too). The art style is simple and easy on the eye and although there seems to be an over arching story the strips on their own make a good giggle. It's centred around a group of (you guessed it) bunnies) who are trying to make sense of this crazy, crazy world and have fun doing it. Sounds like me really.
2. Gothy Beans

Awwwwww! So cute! Another easy to look at, easy to follow little comic. The humour isn't as 'random' as Bunny, but is just as family friendly. It follows the adventures of a group of gothically inclined 'beans' (have yet to establish what type of beans. I'm thinking Jelly judging by the variations on colour in the strip) who work in a shop. Sometimes the simplest ideas work the best.
3. Nemi

Yeah, alright, so she's not strictly a web comic, but if you live, like I do, in a area heavily populated with students when you do have to brave the buses (usually due to torrential downpours) all the Metros are covered with hangover vomit, so getting your daily Nemi fix online is the best bet.
She's actuallu pretty good for the resident of a newspaper that's owned by the same people as the Daily Mail. The comics are tiny snippets of Nemi and her friends amusingly ordinary life.
4. Freakangels

I have to admit that I've fallen out of touch with this one over the last month or so, but when I was reading it religiously it was, quite simply, awesome. It's not as reliable as some of the others, but that's mainly to do with the sheer length of the episodes (each installment is six pages long). The quality of the artwork is incredible and done in a very 'old school' comic style. Unsurprisingly, the hard copy version has sold very well (though not to me, yet).
The story is very daring. Set in a not-too-far-away post apocalyptic London a group of friends with psychic abilities try to survive.
5. Orneryboy
Back to a less traditional art style now. Orneryboy (aside from Bunny) is my newest discovery. Like many of the others it's inoffensive and easy to follow. It follows the adventures of Ornery, his girlfriend, her band, his zombie friends and his cat. There's also haunted drum machines and cheap coffee shops thrown in there for good measure as well. Foamy the Squirrel
Oh my word! How much do I love this squirrel? There is nothing than can accurately do justice to my feelingd for this animated little rodent. It's on the verge of bestiality (or maybe technophilia...?). Again, not technically a comic. Foamy is a cartoon posted on the web (and apparently a few late night indie TV programmes in America as well but, never having lived in America, I cannot verify this).
Why do I love Foamy so much? Simple, because he rants and he sings offensive songs and is abusive to everyone around him. What's not to love? As well as wonderful insights into his personality (he loves bagels with cream cheese, creamy creamy cheesy cream) and that of his owner, Germaine, he also rants about topical issues. Some apply more to America then here, but are still worth a watch.
If you ever get the chance, watch The Amityville Toaster. I was in stitches.
That leads us on nicely into our final comic...
7. 4y Records
As you can no doubt see (sorry for the crummy picture quality by the way) 4y is done by the same guy as Foamy, but instead of an irrate squirrel it focuses on an irrate record shop owner who vents his disillusionment against the state of modern music, popular culture and the world in general to unsuspecting (but really quite deserving) customers.
This was a lot of fun actually. I like using pictures, I'm going to use them more often. And get back into Freakangels. And maybe the next time I can't be bothered railing against the various injustices of humanity I'll do a 'Best of YouTube' blog.
Peace and love, and please, please, check one or two of these great works out. x
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